
An abstract from my own bookmarks.

In french :

Association Animath Portal
Récréations mathématiques de Diophante
Aux Mathématiques amusantes...
Des trucs et des maths
Liste de Diffusion JeuxMaths (archives, inactive since 2005. See last posts in Yahoo)

In other languages :

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles A bible ... (cut the knot)
The rec.puzzles Archive
Problem Of the Month at Missouri State University
Geometriagon Solutions after login, only if you give one.
Brain Teasers and Puzzles BrainBashers ™
The Math Forum Home Page
Mathematical Association of America
Geometry from the Land of the Incas
Math Magic
The Geometry Junkyard
Forum Geometricum Archive of geometry publications
Jim Loy's Home Page (
Nick's Mathematical Puzzles
Origami Mathematics 
Mike's Origami - Origami Diagram Links - Boxes and Containers

Mathematikraetsel (in german)
Mathematik-Aufgaben zur Vorbereitung auf Mathematik-Wettbewerbe

Forums and news groups :

Of course the USENET newsgroups (sci.math, fr.sci.math etc) but also :
Hyacinthos Geometry of triangle (Yahoo group)
Les Generic forum about mathematics (French)

Resources :

French :
Mathcurve Encyclopedia of curves and shapes (in french, despites the name)
Ars Cryptographica

Other languages :

MathWorld Encyclopédie de maths.
Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) an other Math encyclopedia...
Euclid's Elements
Main Page - Gutenberg projet Gutenberg (digital Bookstore)
Number theory web Portal
Home Page for John Robertson (Pell equations etc)
Publications of François Morain (elliptic curves etc)
Rational Points on Elliptic Curves (Japanese site, but some pages in english)
Erich's Packing Center circles/squares etc... inside circles/squares...
QuickMath Automatic Math Solutions (on line calculators)
Some BCMath-PHP number theory programs
Dario Alpern's Generic Two integer variable equation solver
Factorization using the Elliptic Curve Method
Plouffe's Inverse Symbolic Calculator Encyclopedia of numbers
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Encyclopedia of sequences
ETC Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers
2d curves Encyclopedia of curves
Xah Lee Web site curves surfaces etc
Metics in French

Geometry software (for the Web) :

JavaSketchpad    For display only, the graphical interface is not free
The Geometry Applet    (3D)
Geogebra    "The" one ...
C.a.R   Zirkel und Lineal    equivallent
CaRMetal    a derivative from C.a.R. with a different aspect
GEONExT    and yet another one...

Other graphic and drawing software :

Declic    An other very simple geometry software (Fr.)
APM Graphic Lite    A simple CAD software.
2020    Screen captures and picture editor, full control of palette (Paint ist bugged)

Calculations :

Maxima Computer Algebra System

Chess - Sudoku

Pièces féériques (Encyclopedia of pieces in fairy chess game. Fr.)
leapers Knight and other springing pieces
Basic Sudoku Strategies


On this very web site :
Exercises Not so recreational, just interesting ones...


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